root vegetable boy



Hi everyone! I hope you all had a fabulous September. I’m posting this two days earlier than normal because I’m getting top surgery tomorrow (yahoo!!!) and I expect to not have much energy on the 1st. I’ve had a pretty busy month with personal life/surgery prep things so this dev log is going to be fairly light on actual game content; instead, I’ve prepared some concept art I thought you all might be interested in!

character sketches!

A lot of what I worked on this month was stuff that I can’t show you: namely the script, the story’s outline, this world’s timeline, figuring out emotional beats & thematic through lines, etc. but I also did some character sketches: behold, These Guys!

Alda is the player character, which you may have already gleaned if you’re a Project CM Certified Lorehound. Also depicted here are Thea and Lyle; Thea is a fat lesbian with a huge sword that can & will kick your ass. Lyle is Thea’s best friend/resident pretty boy and is the #1 women’s wrongs supporter. He’s extremely emotional, chaotic, and he always wants to see the best in people; Thea is a lot more restrained, logical, and direct.

I love them all a lot. I wanted to have digitally drawn portraits of all three of them ready for this dev log, but my arm started cramping up, so I only have Thea’s... anyway, I’m really excited for you to meet them.

enemy sketches!

I only have two enemies in the game right now, but I’ve been cooking up a lot of other guys to fight! Here are some regular-tier (not mini/bosses) enemy concepts that I’ve been playing around with.

I’ve also been sketching out a particular boss idea... not much to say here lest I say a little too much, or lest I end up deciding to change something down the line. But I am very excited for you all to meet her, as well...


This is probably only exciting to me, because no casual player should be paying much attention to the layout of the user interface. Long-time followers of my development logs may recall that I have a pretty unique save/load system in place for this game; I’ve been sketching out different ideas for how I want it to look on paper, because it’s much less time consuming to do a little drawing as opposed to spending two hours coding something only to realize it doesn’t even look that good.

Actually, this sketch harkens back to a drawing I did over a year ago, when I was first starting to conceptualize how I wanted the game to look:

Things have turned out pretty different from the initial concept I had in mind while drawing this, but it’s still really beautiful, so I’m glad I’ll still be able to use the basic layout in some way!

That’s all I have for this log. I’ll see you all in November for my one year anniversary of development! I’m so excited for this little project’s birthday!

See you then!

Originally posted September 29th, 2024.