root vegetable boy



Happy November! Welcome to dev log #12!!! I can’t believe it’s been an entire year since I started development. Happy one year birthday to my little project... now CM can reasonably start taking steps... yahoo!

As you all might remember, I got top surgery on September 30th, so October has mostly been a recovery month for me. Post-op brain fog is very real and not to be underestimated... So, it’s another shorter log this time. But I’m only feeling better & better every day, so hopefully there will be more to discuss in November 24’s log ^_^ Onto the content!

small fixes:

I don’t think these count as “bug fixes” because there was no error message or anything... it’s not like the game was crashing... they were more like little quality of life adjustments.

  • whatever current song is playing will now fade out if you die. at some point in the last few months I finally got around to writing music for the first miniboss fight, and during testing a couple weeks back I realized the INTENSE MUSIC continuing after death kind of threw off the vibes. I’ll probably write a tiny little song/soundscape for the deathscreen at some point, but for now you get eerie silence ^_^ yayy
  • I noticed the weapon reload timer wasn’t properly centered over the player sprite and scooched it over a few pixels.
  • I changed the first miniboss’s collision mask from an ellipse to a rectangle.
  • I changed a bunch of the room names. formerly my naming convention for rooms was numbered: rm_floor1_1 followed by rm_floor1_2 followed by rm_floor1_3, etc. it did not take long for me to realize that this could get really confusing really fast, so I changed their names to be more reflective of their contents (rm_floor1_intro, rm_floor1_aeski, rm_floor1_hall, etc) and I now have a separate document to keep track of order & flow. this will make it a lot easier if I decide I want to put a new room in between two existing rooms, or if I want to reorder some of them.

dialogue changes:

I don’t think I’ve actually shown any dialogue in these dev logs? I’m a lot more secretive about my writing than I am about my art or code, but I rewrote several scenes... the previous dialogue was feeling kind of stilted & bogged down. I spent some time really reflecting on my characters’ different personalities and conflicts and rewrote most of their lines to give each character a more distinct voice & communication style. I think those scenes are reading a lot smoother and more naturally now! If you’re curious, my personal note for accomplishing this task just reads “changed [redacted] dialogue to make the girls meaner to each other”

new sprites:

Remember last month’s UI sketches? I’m slowly starting the process of spriting some of the save/load menu!

It’s extremely unfinished!! I have a lot a lot more to draw for this system, but I’m really happy with how it’s going so far. I'm also really happy I finally have One Proper Sprite to put in a log even if it’s far from complete.

That’s all I have for this log! If you’ve been sticking around for a whole year: THANK YOU!! I really can’t express how much I appreciate every person who has taken an interest in this project. I’ll see you in December for dev log 13 ^_^

Originally posted November 1st, 2024.