root vegetable boy



Happy Pride month! I got a lot done in May, so I’m really excited to show off all the progress I’ve made. Let’s take a look!

For logs in the past, I’ve written fairly in-depth paragraphs detailing major changes or new systems, but I’ve actually gotten so much done this month that the idea of writing this log that way is pretty overwhelming. Because of that, I’m going to lay it out more bullet point style this time. This looks a little more like the notes I take for myself throughout the month, but greatly consolidated.

combat changes:

  • lots of combat UI!
  • enemy HP bars added
  • player HP bar added to the top left corner of the screen
  • UI for player’s current weapon/capacity/shots left added underneath player HP bar
  • red vignette will now flicker on screen when player takes damage for greater visibility
  • implemented unique enemy attacks, both melee & at-range variations

visual changes:

  • all bullets now have their own destroy animations
  • added to level furnishing with additional objects/sprites
  • animated lamps
  • added rugs, alternate desk with papers, +5 bookshelf variations
  • stone floor & stone wall textures added
  • death animations for enemies implemented

misc changes:

  • select enemies can now bypass certain walls
  • fixed depth issues with enemies & furnishings
  • fixed issue where dead enemies could still cause damage to the player
  • fixed issue where player hp could go above its maximum
  • more flavor text added

Aside from work on the game itself, I’ve also been fleshing out my design document as thoroughly as possible. As of this week I finally have a complete drafted outline of the story, so more and more things are continuing to fall into place!

I want to say I plan on having something playable available this year, but it’s hard to be certain. There’s still quite a lot I need to do to make that happen: a complete in-game menu rework, the other 99% of the audio, a whole lot of enemy creation, finally learning sequences, player death, and lots more... So, I will tell you that I am hoping to release a free playable demo this year, and I will do my very best to try and make that happen! But!! It might not!!!!

Also, I’m going to be a little busy with life-things in June, but hopefully I still have some cool things to show you next month ^_^

That’s it for now. See you in July!

Originally posted June 1st, 2024.