root vegetable boy



June’s been pretty busy for me, but I’ve still gotten some very cool things figured out this month ^_^ Here’s dev log number 8, hot off the press for y’all! (Gosh, it’s already been 2/3rds of a year...)

game control changes:

  • press f4 for fullscreen!!!! i repeat, we have fullscreen mode!!!! i was really worried that implementing this would be difficult but it was actually super easy.
  • some camera coding nonsense; basically, setting the groundwork for screenshake & other such effects to be implemented later.

combat changes:

  • implemented a visual representation of the player’s weapon reload timer! the timer itself existed last month, but I hadn’t put in any real indicator of how long you had left as of the last dev log. now there’s a little bar that appears & fills up to let you know ^_^

  • this next one is huge!! enemies now drop items!! AND they have their own unique drop tables!!!! really excited about this, it wasn’t too difficult to implement and it makes fighting the little mobs a lot more engaging when there are occasional drops.
  • speaking of enemy changes, another death animation has now been implemented. this one was pretty fun to animate:

visual changes:

  • the player character is now visibly disgruntled!!! aka I altered her sprite a bit ^_^ her old sprite was the first thing I drew in the entire game, but now that I’m a bit more comfortabe with pixel art I was able to give her an upgrade.

I know I separated all of these out by different sections, but most of these things are technically visual changes: small beautifying details & such. The biggest Coding Thing was enemy drops, and that didn’t give me too much grief either. I’ve also finally started on a proper first draft script now that I have a full story outline, but I’m not showing it to you yet!! Hands off!!!

That’s all for now. I hope you have an excellent July, everyone! See you later!

Originally posted July 1st, 2024.