root vegetable boy
Happy International Workers’ Day! In April, I did even less than I did in March… so, it’s another short log this time.
I’ve been feeling a little burnt out on this project, so I’ve been trying not to needlessly force myself to work on it. I did a couple small character sketches earlier this month:
I also showed a little bit of what I have so far to a friend who visited me a couple weeks ago. Actually, I was trying to show them how I haven’t set a maximum to the player’s HP yet by consuming a bunch of beef jerky, but the game crashed on the first jerky consumed. Turns out when I added the damage system a few months ago I changed how I was handling HP variables but never changed the respective jerky code... So, the jerky was trying to increase a number that didn’t exist anymore. How embarrassing...
Truth be told, I’ve been struggling a lot with the sheer scope of what I want to do. For a little while I was getting good at keeping my head down and only focusing on the task directly in front of me, but now that I have so many systems built up I feel like I’m floundering on what to do next, and overwhelmed at how much I’ve worked on versus how little I feel is actually complete. But I’ve been looking through previous dev logs in preparation for writing this one (I always reference them, even if just for consistent formatting) and I’m starting to feel a little better about this... even if this game is just for me and 2 other people, I think it looks pretty cool. I still want to see it through.
I don’t have that many concrete goals for May. I’d like to start getting some kind of boss fight demo together for further combat refinement, but beyond that I’ll be happy as long as I have multiple things to talk about next month.
Can you believe it’s almost summer? See you in June!
Originally posted May 1st, 2024.